Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day Ten: 01.27.10

Inspired by the pillow on my bed

Day Nine: 01.26.10

No preconceptions when I started, just knew I wanted to use blue and black in the final product.


Day Eight: 01.25.10

"Let me hear you say, this shit is bananas

- Hollaback Girl, Gwen Stefani

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day Seven: 01.24.10
All about simplicity, negative space and color.

Day Six: 01.23.10

All about line and composition.

Day Five: 01.22.10

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day Four: 01.21.10

Started just with the bananas but it needed something else so I added the design in the background.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Painting A Day (Day 1-3)

Over the last couple of years I have given up my drawings in pursuit of my paintings. I love painting and will continue to paint but I've wanted to start working again on my drawings. I've read blogs where people do a painting/drawing a day. A lot of these sites seem to be for monetary reasons, but I want my drawings to be complete unattached from anything other than a few minutes of complete creativity. No intentions other than a drawing on paper with whatever medium I choose at the moment. No preconceptions, just drawing from the heart and mind.

I'm doing all the drawings on ATC (Artist Trading Card) Illustration Board. The cutouts are the same size as a regular trading cards such as a baseball card. Keeping the size small keeps it relatively simple to do a drawing a day, whether it be as you lay in bed, on the couch, at lunch, while your oil is getting changed, etc. And depending on my mood, it can take 2 minutes or it can take 2 hours.

Here are my first three drawings. I started on Monday, January 18, 2010. I will post the drawings every couple days. Please let me know your thoughts...

Day Three: 01.20.10

Day Two: 01.19.10

Day One: 01.18.10

Place de la Concorde COMPLETE!

Place de la Concorde...COMPLETE!

Since the final dark glaze in the background has been added, I'm finally happy. There's some other ideas I have for a background but this particular painting is FINISHED! I would love to use this same subject matter with possibly different imagery but that's another time, another painting.